**Here is the the list of possible commands at this point in time:** **!help**: show this help blurb **!maki** or **!monday**: Don't forget to praise on Monday! **!mixes**: post link to my fire mixtapes **!sleep**: sleep for like 5 seconds for some reason **!pokeme**: make the bot poke you gently **!switch**: display time until the switch comes out! **!wtf**: Don't use unless you want a wall of copypasta **!ups**: Print the status of the main UPS. Updated once a minute. **!tohru**: Posts a random pic of the one and only Tohru! **!setplaying**: Sets the bot's Now Playing status to whatever you say (eg !setplaying with Tohru) **!xkcd**: Posts a random xkcd comic **!xkcd latest**: Posts the latest xkcd comic **!xkcd x**: Posts xkcd comic number x (if it exists)