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**Here is the the list of possible commands at this point in time:**
**!help**: show this help blurb
**!maki** or **!monday**: Posts a picture of Maki. Don't forget to praise on Monday!
**!mixes**: post link to my fire mixtapes
**!rmix**: post link to a random mix of mine
**!sleep**: sleep for like 5 seconds for some reason
**!pokeme**: make the bot poke you gently
**!switch**: display time until the switch comes out!
**!wtf**: Don't use unless you want a wall of copypasta
**!ups**: Print the status of the main UPS. Updated once a minute.
**!tohru**: Posts a random pic of the one and only Tohru!
**!setplaying**: Sets the bot's Now Playing status to whatever you say (eg !setplaying with Tohru)
**!resetplaying**: Resets the bot's Now Playing status.
**!xkcd**: Posts a random xkcd comic
**!xkcd latest**: Posts the latest xkcd comic
**!xkcd x**: Posts xkcd comic number x (if it exists)
**!earth** or **!earthporn**: Posts a random submission from /r/EarthPorn's top this week
**!porn**: Posts a random link from one of the 'porn' subreddits (not actually NSFW)
**!kill** or **!restart**: Kill the bot process so that it can automatically restart with the new version (only pocketjawa can use these)
**!joke**: Posts a random joke from /r/Jokes
**!8ball**: You ask a question, it answeres. Simple!
**!conch** or **!magicconch**: Same as the 8ball command but waaaaay cooler
**!giveaway prize**: Do a giveaway based on users reacting with the emoji you react with secretly. Use in private and replace prize with an actual prize!
**!np**: Posts currently playing info for ToukuFM